
It’s Week 4 of my Summer Stories Archival Sale!

The five pieces described below are 20% off in my web shop , now through 11:59pm August 14th. Find them under the category “Transitions”.
Use the coupon code Transitions20 at checkout.

Heraclitus said it best some 2500 years ago: There is nothing permanent except change.
In addition to the general unpredictability we all experience, I have moved between and lived in seven states throughout my adult life, so I feel it’s fair to say I know a bit about transition.

The expected and unexpected shifts that come just by virtue of being alive, whether monumental or ordinary, require grace and grit – often in equal measure. And always, our support systems are key.

With that in mind, thank goodness for Art. It’s been a faithful constant for me, offering a means for riding both the choppy and the smooth waves that accompany any upheaval in life and routine. The pieces I’m highlighting this week all mark a period of change that was beyond my control – sometimes a celebrated milestone, other times a harder knock that required a degree of perspective in order to make it through to the other side.

Considering the non-representational nature of the majority of these pieces, no one else could be expected to understand their significance absent my sharing their backstory. And as I’ve written this I’ve wondered, is sharing that history even necessary? Let the titles speak for themselves and, more importantly, perhaps with those breadcrumbs you can find in these pieces a connection to your own transitions.

Transcendent Eclosion

Transcendent Eclosion Textile Collage Dye Paint Embroidery

Transcendent Eclosion ©2012 Elizabeth Fram, Wrapped-resist dye, Hand-appliqué, Machine and hand quilting & Hand embroidery on Silk and Cotton, Panel backing, 25″h x 19.5″w, SALE Price: $1000.

Transcendent Eclosion, detail

Transcendent Eclosion, detail ©2012 Elizabeth Fram

Transcendent Eclosion, detail

Transcendent Eclosion, detail ©2012 Elizabeth Fram

Transcendent Eclosion, detail

Transcendent Eclosion, detail ©2012 Elizabeth Fram

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Oasis, Art Quilt, Dye, Textile Paint, Quilting, embroidery

Oasis ©2008 Elizabeth Fram, Dye, Textile Paint, Hand and machine quilting & Hand embroidery on Silk and Cotton, 28″H x 32″W, SALE Price: $600.


Oasis detail Hand stitching Textile paint

Oasis, detail ©2008 Elizabeth Fram

Oasis detail Quilting Hand stitching

Oasis, detail ©2008 Elizabeth Fram

Oasis detail Quilting embroidery textile collage art quilt

Oasis, detail ©2008 Elizabeth Fram

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Passages, One

Passages, One Textile Collage Dye, Embroidery, Quilting Appliqué,

Passages, One ©2006, Hand dye, Hand appliqué, Machine and hand quilting/stitching & Hand embroidery on Silk and Cotton, 32″H x 33″W, SALE Price: $920.  This piece has been shown around the world: from Philadelphia City Hall to Springfield, MO to the US Ambassador’s residence in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Passages One, detail

Passages, One – detail, ©2006 Elizabeth Fram

Passages One detail

Passages, One – detail, ©2006 Elizabeth Fram

Passages One, Detail

Passages, One – detail, ©2006 Elizabeth Fram

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Passages, Two

Passages, Two Hand dyed Hand appliqué, Machine and hand quilting/stitching, hand embroidery

Passages, Two ©2006 Elizabeth Fram, Hand-dye, Hand appliqué, Machine and hand quilting/stitching & Hand embroidery on Silk and Cotton, 50.5″H x 24.5″W, SALE Price: $800.

Passages, Two detail

Passages, Two – detail ©2006 Elizabeth Fram

Passages, Two detail

Passages, Two – detail ©2006 Elizabeth Fram

Passages Two detail

Passages, Two – detail ©2006 Elizabeth Fram

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Waiting dye heat transfer of original painting discharge machine and hand quilting embroidery

Waiting ©2009 Elizabeth Fram, Dye, Heat transfer of original painting, Discharge, Machine and Hand quilting/stitching & Hand embroidery on Silk and Cotton, 34″H x 33″W, SALE Price: $600

Waiting, detail

Waiting, detail ©2009 Elizabeth Fram

Waiting detail

Passages, Two – detail ©2006 Elizabeth Fram

Waiting detail

Passages, Two – detail ©2006 Elizabeth Fram

Don’t forget your coupon code Transitions20

Only one more post of summer stories left. See you in two weeks!


2 thoughts on “Transitions

  1. Dian Parker

    Passages One has such rich vibrant colors. And I love your baby sweater. Your knitting and stitching sing!

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