Tag Archives: Mary Oliver

Tell Me Again

Occasionally a poem is just right.
I eagerly recommend Mary Oliver’s 2013 compilation, Dog Songs, to any pooch lover — especially anyone who has had the honor of sharing their heart with a rescue.

Feb 22

©2019 Elizabeth Fram

Feb 23


Feb. 28

©2019 Elizabeth Fram

Here the poet herself reads one of my favorites: Little Dog’s Rhapsody in the Night.

March 01

©2019 Elizabeth Fram

Feb 20

©2019 Elizabeth Fram

Which of course reminds me of our Quinn.

I just discovered Hilary Pecis‘ work. Orchestrating the ordinary into the lyrical, her paintings are bouquets of pattern, color, and familiarity. Her work encourages a recognition of our own individual worlds through the expression of hers. To me, the unexpected prominence of books in many of her pieces, appearing in neat stacks or filling walls of shelves in the background, add to the comfortable sense of “home”. As Tamsin Smith and Matt Gonzalez wrote in their October 25, 2018 review of Pacis’ work for Juxtapoz  “…beauty is a matter of looking closely. It is the eye, not the object, that holds the power.”
I couldn’t agree more.